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dual bus中文是什么意思

用"dual bus"造句"dual bus"怎么读"dual bus" in a sentence


  • 双汇流排
  • 双总线


  • Distributed queue dual bus , dqdb
  • Distributed queue dual bus
  • Distributed queue dual bus
  • Dqdb information technology . telecommunications and information exchange between systems . local and metropolitan area networks . specific requirements . distributed queue dual bus access method and physical layer specifications
  • Ieee standard for mans ( metropolitan area networks ) . formerly known as qpsx ( queued packet and synchronous exchange ) , now known as dqdb ( distributed queue dual bus ) . it was approved in 1990
    Ieee关于城域网标准。原来的名称为qpsx (队列分组同步交换) ,现名为dqdb (分布式队列双总线) , 1990年获得批准。
  • So it must be amended according to requirements of embedded system and multiprocessor system . the new system uses arm9 core and adopts a dual buses structure : a general system bus and a can - bus
  • Information technology - telecommunications and information exchange between systems - local and metropolitan area networks - specific requirements - part 6 : distributed queue dual bus access method and physical layer specifications contains ansi ieee 802 . 6 - 1990 , 802 . 6d - 1994 , and 802 . 6f - 1994
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